Power ideas through collaboration

Think Tank Solutions


In today’s competitive environment, how do you build relationships with new audiences and maintain relationships with your current audience?

Be part of a think tank where you develop new solutions for the patient and site experience. think creatively, outside of the box to address some of the key challenges.

Innovation Days

Innovation Days

Staying on top of the latest clinical trial innovations can be a challenge. And even more challenging, knowing which ones to consider for your patient recruitment and engagement efforts.

That’s why our innovation days are so critical. Our experts come to you to discuss some of the latest innovations and explore how they may support your unique recruitment and engagement needs. We work with you collaboratively to build a roadmap to guide innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

The Path to Innovation



BBK’s Think Tank is part of the VISION suite of solutions that anticipates and manages changing clinical trial enrollment environments.

How can we help you today?